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Most Common Parasites in Cats

Parasites are nasty organism that can be found practically everywhere, but some are more common and threatening than others. Let’s take a look at the most common parasites in cats, as well as insects that play a role in infestations and why they are a problem.


Biting (Bloodsucking) Parasites

  • Fleas are relentless organisms and probably the most common parasite in the cat world
  • Mosquitoes are vectors, that is, they can transmit parasites from one animal or plant to another
  • Ticks are potent disease vectors that can live for several years; young, sick and senior cats are most at risk.

Non-biting (Non-bloodsucking) Parasites

  • Ear mites are most commonly seen in cats and can lead to ear infection, itching and scratching
  • Burrowing mites cause mange which is highly contagious and causes great discomfort



  • The cat roundworm is one of the most common and serious threats for cats. These parasites steal nutrients, cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even anaemia
  • Adult roundworms live in the small intestines.
  • Female roundworms can lay up to 300 000 eggs which make their way into the environment by travelling in the faeces of infested cats. The eggs become infective after 2 to 3 weeks and then stay alive and infective for up to 5 years!


  • Hookworms are common internal parasites that pose a serious threat to cats, especially kittens; diarrhoea, pale gums and tarry stools are warning signs to look out for; unfortunately anaemia and death are possible outcomes
  • Hookworms attach to the intestinal lining.
  • Hookworm infection can be transmitted to humans.


  • Tapeworms are transmitted through the ingestion of infected fleas or rodents
  • Tapeworms can potentially infect children if they ingest infected fleas (not common)
  • Infestation can cause abdominal pain, weight loss and nausea
  • Tapeworms live in the small intestines.


  • Cats can get lungworm by ingesting infected prey; this parasite can gradually damage lung tissue or the airway by causing an inflammatory reaction

Speak to your veterinarian about the best parasite protection for your pets.

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