Source: Huffpost (Extract)
Posted: May 18, 2024

You may be aware that cats possess a sense of time and likely recognize when you call them (even if they choose not to respond), showcasing their perceptiveness. Yet, their enigmatic feline emotions remain a subject of curiosity.

Despite certain stereotypes, cats indeed form bonds with their owners, although the exact nature of this connection remains open to interpretation.

However, one consensus among most cat experts is that a gentle headbutt from your cherished feline companion is a clear indication of its fondness for you.


The rationale behind this behavior, sometimes referred to as bunting, lies in the fact that cats use it as a means to leave their scent on you ― a more potent marker of ownership and affiliation than urine, as noted by Vet Organics.

According to Blue Cross, cats possess scent glands in their cheeks and head, enabling them to create a communal scent when they headbutt and rub against each other.

Bunting can manifest as gentle nuzzling or more assertive headbutting, yet both convey the same message ― as Blue Cross elucidates, “when they headbutt you, they are essentially regarding you as one of their family members and are attempting to blend their scent with yours. In feline communication, that signifies love.”

The Rescue Vets concur: “Cat bunting serves primarily to mark you as part of their safe territory. Nonetheless, your cat wouldn’t engage in this behavior if they didn’t trust you and feel secure in your presence.”

When they headbutt, they’re not necessarily staking a claim on you; rather, they’re indicating that you’re a safe presence.

Aww. But also – what am I meant to do when they do this!?

It’s a heartwarming gesture, but you might find yourself uncertain about how to react ― as shared by the owner of one particularly spirited cat on Reddit: “He’s actually sent cups, pencils, and books flying out of my hands entirely because he’s so enthusiastic about it.”

If you’re unsure of what to do in such situations, Vet Organics emphasizes the importance of receiving the headbutt enthusiastically. Once you feel comfortable, you could even try reciprocating (yes, really).

“One initial response could be offering some gentle scratching. Focus on their forehead, cheek, chin, and any other favored spots. If they respond positively or seem to enjoy it, this might be what they’re seeking,” they suggest.

If they show signs of discomfort or leave, don’t fret ― you can always attempt another form of affection, such as offering treats. However, as Vet Organics points out, “We should aim to understand their preferences rather than imposing our own responses onto them.”