Source: Sussex World (Extract)
Posted: April 11, 2022

The charity, which has its National Cat Adoption Centre in Chelwood Gate, urged owners to be careful and said that even two grams of chocolate could be toxic to felines.

“Eating even a small amount of chocolate could raise a cat’s heart rate and increase loss of bodily fluids, both of which could be fatal,” said Cats Protection’s central veterinary officer Sarah Elliott.

She said that caffeine in chocolate can affect a cat’s central nervous system and cause muscle twitching, but the main danger is theobromine.

“Cats can’t metabolise the stimulant and diuretic as well as humans so it remains in their bloodstream for longer and quickly builds to dangerous levels,” said Sarah.

Signs of poisoning can usually be seen within 30 minutes to two hours after a cat has eaten chocolate.

These can include vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive urination, irregular heartbeat and seizures.

“The severity of these symptoms will depend on your cat’s weight and how much chocolate they have eaten,” said Sarah.

She said owners who think their cat has eaten any chocolate should contact a vet straight away.

“Do not wait for the symptoms to appear before seeking help,” she said.

Cats are naturally curious, said Sarah, so chocolate, tin foil and packaging should be kept out of their reach to stop them from sniffing around it.

Cats’ tongues cannot actually detect sweetness from sugar, she said, and it is more likely the cat is attracted to the fat content of human food.

Other foods that can pose a threat to cats include coffee, nuts, grapes, garlic and coconut water, which can cause severe vomiting, diarrhoea or dehydration.

Milk and cheese can also cause sickness and digestive problems because many cats are lactose intolerant.