Source: iNews (Extract)
Posted: August 8, 2022
The number of dog bites in England has doubled in the past 20 years, an expert has warned.
Recently released data from NHS Digital showed hospital admissions for dog bites and other injuries caused by dogs, rose by 17 per cent in the 2021-2022 year to 8,655 admissions, up from 7,424 in 2020-21.
John Tulloch, veterinary epidemiologist at the University of Liverpool, said last year’s spike was most likely to have been a statistical anomaly, brought about by lower hospital admissions in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions.
But looking across the past two decades, the picture is concerning, Mr Tulloch told i.
Numbers of dog bites have more than doubled over the population in the past 20 years, he said.
Mr Tulloch, who has researched numbers of hospital admissions for dog bites, said it is difficult to know why this is happening but believes it could be due to more dogs being bought over the internet from unregulated sellers, or owners having a lack of experience when it comes to looking after them.
He said: “It could be, for example, that people are buying their dogs in different ways, there could be more dogs being bought over the internet from an unregulated place, there are more dogs coming in from continental Europe from unknown backgrounds, and it could be that more people are getting dogs who have never had dogs before.”
In July, Royal Mail said there were 1,673 dog attacks reported on postal staff in 2021, with an average of 32 attacks every week across the UK.
“I expect them [dog bites] to keep increasing. Unless there is a fundamental change in our relationships to dogs or some sort of over-arching legislative change that will come in,” Mr Tulloch said.
Bites were most likely to happen in a home, rather than in a park or public place, he said.
“There could be lots of different reasons a dog might bite, they could be fearful, frustrated or in pain – usually one of these emotional systems is at play,” RSPCA dog welfare specialist Esme Wheeler added.
It is important dog owners do their research, and contact their vet if they notice any change in their pet’s behaviour, she added.
Mr Tulloch said the same legislation around dangerous dogs had been in place for the past 30 years, but bites were still increasing.
Section 1 of the Dangerous Dog Act bans anyone from owning or breeding The Japanese Tosa, Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro.
Mr Tulloch said there was no evidence these dogs were more dangerous than other breeds, rather the distinction was made based on how these breeds looked.
Meanwhile, ambulance officers and medics were reporting an increase in attending animal bite call-outs and more people presenting at A&E too, St John Ambulance Medical Director Lyn Thomas told i.
She said emergency services were seeing a full range of dog bites, from grazes to serious gashes and wounds that could lead to scarring and blood loss, which were more rare.
She said people may not realise cat bites also carried a risk of infection.
“If the wound becomes more painful, gets redder or if any swelling starts happening, I would advise them to call 111,” she said.